Corporate responsibility
We base our day-to-day business activities on the principles of sustainable development and we declare respecting the principles of corporate responsibility. We put special emphasis on:
- protection of health and ensuring work safety of employees (hygiene at work, trainings, educating employees, implementing production methods that increase safety);
- employment relationships, i.e. cooperation of employees in the firm (practices in terms of employment and decent work, diversity, equal opportunities, respecting human rights, i.e. lack of discrimination, unfree labour, employment of minors), as well as cooperation between our firm and suppliers, subcontractors and competitors;
- respect for environment and sustainable resource management, reducing pollutant emissions, recurrent expenditure on and investments in environmental protection;
- fair, just and ethical business practices, maintaining corporate governance that is complying with norms and principles of enterprise management and constant improvement in the effectiveness of management in terms of Grupa Kapitałowa Polimex Mostostal S.A.;
- responsibility for the product that is caring for the highest quality of the offered goods and services, health and safety of consumers, marking of products and services,
- engagement in functioning of local environment.

By integrating social objectives with business objectives, we try to:
- cooperate and build durable relationships with various entities, consisting in pursuing partnership, creating new relationships favourable for each participant and his environment;
- create and develop social innovations through synergy of actions in which entities carrying out activity of different nature take part;
- create common values both for business partners and for the local community;
- identify, counteract and mitigate possible negative results of operation of our firm and to strengthen environmental awareness of our employees and stakeholders.
We implement the policy of corporate responsibility by:
- Cooperation on the basis of dialogue in terms of relationships with clients, suppliers and business partners – we focus on building long term relationships based on fair play, partnership and honesty. We want to meet expectations and requirements of the clients in accordance with the mission and vision of our company. We are incessantly carrying out activities aimed at improvement in terms of OHS.
- Ensuring decent working conditions – we believe that employees are the most important asset of a firm, constituting the basis of its success. For this reason, we care for our employees, their safety and health, invest in their constant development and support them in increasing individual qualification and in self-improvement. We activate employees by participation in OHS competitions.
- Promoting family values – we consider family life to be the most important value and support pro-family initiatives on the basis of the principle of harmony and balance between family, private life and work. We provide our employees with financial support in case of difficult, unexpected circumstances.
- Support for local communities – we try to be, first of all, a good neighbour. For this reason, we attach great importance to the dialogue with the local community, implemented by active participation in social-cultural initiatives. We ensure financial, material, and organisational support for educational, patriotic, charity, social or sport-related projects (eg. agreements on cooperation with educational establishments, active participation in the events commemorating important anniversaries, donations to the persons in need, persons with a medical condition, persons with a disability, promoting development of physical culture and sport, employment support programs).
- Care for environment – we attach great importance to the requirements in terms of environmental protection. We monitor our influence on the environment and react to all signals of threats. Under the Integrated Management System, the model of environment management is operated on the basis of ISO 14001. By regular reviews of the system, we constantly improve operational activity, minimising negative influence on environment by limiting emission and rationalising energy consumption.

Standards of conduct in terms of corporate responsibility for suppliers of Mostostal Siedlce
During our day-to-day activities we pay particular attention to the principles of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR). We try to make the assumptions of corporate responsibility, in accordance with our business strategy, comply with the interests of our surrounding, and to base these assumptions on responsible use of resources.

We try to build business relationships based on the culture of joint responsibility at all of the stages of our operations, including also the process of cooperation with suppliers. We support them in strengthening awareness, developing practices and pursuing improvement in approach to corporate responsibility and sustainability. We expect constant self-improvement in terms of:
Social standards
– complying with all legal provisions related to occupational health and safety (caring for the safety in the workplace and for the health of employees, ensuring decent working conditions)
– recognising and respecting human rights (due to concern for acting in line with the principle of equal treatment and preventing practices of employees and local community discrimination), -
Environmental standards
– complying with all legal provisions and regulations related to waste management (care for environment by constant self-improvement in the field of environment management, rational sourcing and consuming of raw materials and natural resources, responsible and adequate management of produced waste) -
Ethical standards
– complying with the ethical principles in business (counteracting and preventing all forms of corruption, or risk of conflict of interests that could constitute an obstacle to proper execution of an agreement).
Having regard to strengthening cooperation based on partnership, mutual understanding aimed at the same approach to the business activities carried out in line with corporate responsibility and based on the principles of sustainable development, we hope you will confirm compliance with these standards.
Standards of conduct in terms of corporate responsibility for suppliers